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ABC Radio

Was fortunate enough to appear on ABC radio north Queensland, organised by my editor and friend Julie Plath. The show was Mornings with Paula Tapiolas. My very first interview, I arrived bright and early and was warmly greeted by staff who promptly sat me down with a hot cup of tea and words of "You'll be fine". I wasn't scheduled in for fifteen minutes, which sadly left me time for my mind to start wandering. I started to text close family with the hope they would aliveate my fears, my brother James told me not to swear, shit I thought wouldn't that be great if I accidently let the Fbomb drop. My wife Kate said to just be myself, crap that's never a good thing.

It was at that moment I heard Paula's voice over the airwaves saying, "Have you ever wanted to fly", Ohmygod, that's the blurb from my book. I started to pace back and forward like a caged animal, my eyes drawn to the exit. "Next up we have local author Marc Lindsay here to talk about his new book Perigord" Paula announced. Crap, crap, crap I thought, this is going to be terrible.

It was at this moment a gentleman called my name and ushered me in through a door to meet Paula Tapiolas. She greeted me warmly and told me to relax my face in obvious fear. The next five minutes were a blur after recieving instructions on what was about to happen, the interview started. I'm afraid to say the claw marks I left on the table won't be coming out anytime soon and despite the um's and ah's I stuttered out, I think the interview went well, this is solely attributed to the lovely Paula and her team at ABC radio, so thank you.

I have attached the link to anyone who wishes to have a good laugh at my expense, hopefully if they ever have me back, I'll have the hindsight to take a nip of something first.

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