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Writing a novel

This is my first official blog and I can't think of a better way than to start documenting my journey into the world of a novelist. Sounds kind of pretentious doesn't it. I'd have to agree too but seeing as this is my site, humour me.

It all began roughly 38 years ago. Ha, I can already hear the groans. Hear me out first. As a kid, I was really weird, into horror movies, sci-fi and fantasy, every format but in particular stories. I must of got my first Stephen King novel - Cujo from my Aunty and from the very first moment I saw that cover all I wanted to do was know more about it. I don't think I had the nerve to read it for about two years. Cujo tormented me the cover drawing me in and my fear preventing me from reading it.

When I finally finished it, I almost did it in one sitting and I was no longer afraid, I mean yes it was scary but the characters were so real and story enthralling. I couldn't wait to find out what happened at the end but was disappointed when it was over. This was the start of my obsession with horror and Mr King, something that is still with me all these years later. In fact whenever I hear that he has a new novel coming out I'm almost brought back to that childlike excitement of when I was a young boy. It was at that time and not for the first time I decided I wanted to be a writer.

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